.:. Feed Your Soul.:. Order Simone Nikkole’s Poetry

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Book *
 My Journey through Poetry – $20 each (w/o s&h) 
 My Journey through Poetry – $40 (2 copies w/o s&h) 
 My Journey through Poetry – $25.60 (1 copy w/ s&h) 
 My Journey through Poetry – $46.70 (2 copies w/ s&h) 
If you order more than 2 copies and want them shipped,
multiply the base price of $20 by the quantity,
choose the 4th choice and add $1.10/per additional copy to the price.

eg. 3 copies plus shipping is ($20 x 3)+ ($5.60+$2.20)=$67.80.

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Who should I autograph the book to?
Anything special you would like me to say?
There is a 200 word max.
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