Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category
Sour Skittles: JC slam
Saturday, October 27th, 2012
If you love JC slam please do not read this post! I’ve learned honesty is the best policy so here it goes… I went to jersey city slam last night finally quelling my friend Lyte Epps. Hes been wanting me to hit that stage since forever… i got there… everyone standing around, place dark and […]
Private moment in a public space
Monday, October 15th, 2012
So tonight was my 2nd time at the Shrine and “The Gathering” . I fully got my praise on. This is the prefect place to get a battery recharged for the rest of the week. I was so blessed to hear new performers like Meaghan and Chris kill it. When God gives you a gift […]
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
So i went to the nuyorican last night to support Latinos NYC… Advocate of Words and Rainmaker had me homesick. Advocate of words blessed my heart reminding me of the enticing rhtymn and love beat of Salsa… making me wish i had my own salsero. Rainmaker performed an awesome piece about his Grandmother… i could […]
Sept 30 in 30 is complete
Sunday, September 30th, 2012
It took: 2 prompts, 6 guys, 2 fights with my mother, 1 heavenly father, 1 fallen angel, 30 days observing NYC subways, 1 historic day, 1 challenging concept, 3 future propositions, and 1 forgetful parent moment (“dissent of a college grad” will b tweeted tonight) to lead to 33 poems in 30 days!