Archive for the ‘marketing’ Category
Dear Bullet Series
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
In light of the “Senseless” killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the other killings in Atlanta and LA, I decided to write a #dearbullet series against the use of guns in everyday life. So far I have written #dearbluebullet – against police brutality #dearmilitarybullet – anti-war #deargangbullets – against gang violence #dearactivibullets – […]
Move Benefit Concert to benefit Sandy affected areas
Thursday, November 8th, 2012
I am trying to do more to help out both of my hometowns, Brooklyn, Ny and the Jersey Shore… Come out and donate this Saturday, Nov 10th 1p and hear some music and poetry too… we need: canned food, diapers, cleaning products, paper towels, batteries, shoes, etc “Love is a never ending circle that […]
Sour Skittles: JC slam
Saturday, October 27th, 2012
If you love JC slam please do not read this post! I’ve learned honesty is the best policy so here it goes… I went to jersey city slam last night finally quelling my friend Lyte Epps. Hes been wanting me to hit that stage since forever… i got there… everyone standing around, place dark and […]
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
So i went to the nuyorican last night to support Latinos NYC… Advocate of Words and Rainmaker had me homesick. Advocate of words blessed my heart reminding me of the enticing rhtymn and love beat of Salsa… making me wish i had my own salsero. Rainmaker performed an awesome piece about his Grandmother… i could […]