Archive for the ‘marketing’ Category
Busy-Bee August Me!
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
Hey Si.Nik family, So August is a busy month for me… *8/21 HLS, Montclair, NJ “Dog Days of August”* **8/22 Hazlet Library, Hazlet, NJ “Open Mic Night”* ***8/31 Joyce Kilmer Park, Bronx, NY “Back to School Fun”* As I try to inspire throughout these areas, send positive vibes and prayers my way. I hope to […]
PACE picnic
Saturday, July 23rd, 2011
In this crazy heat, I decided to go to the PACE (Program for Acceleration of Careers in Engineering) Alumni Picnic. It was so much fun hanging out with the youth, the people that will join me in trying to make the world a better place and help shape people into better people. I reconnected with […]
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
hola Si.Nik Readers and fans…. ***BREAKING NEWS**** My Journey through poetry is now an e-book. Get your e-book copy at Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. ***BREAKING NEWS*** 1 love, Simone Nikkole