Archive for the ‘my journey through poetry’ Category
New Light Baptist Back 2 School
Saturday, September 10th, 2011
I was asked last month to go to New Light Baptist church to help out with their Back to School Night and I jumped at the chance to help out. After hearing an anti-bullying seminar, I definitely knew I was in the right place. After talking to some parents to help remind them of the […]
Back to School Fun in Bx
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
I went to Joyce Kilmer park yesterday and performed for a “Back to School” event. I loved it. The children were so receptive and had so much fun preparing for school. I read a new piece called “Make Room” inspired by the movie “The Help” and “Shine” by John Legend and the Roots. The poem […]
The Beginning of SÃ.Nik Productions
Sunday, August 28th, 2011
Hola SÃ.Nik’ers, It is official… I have started writing the website for my company,SÃ.Nik Productions. Hurricane Irene inspired me to hit the pedal to the metal and get the word out. I plan on fixing the store and adding other artists. SÃ.Nik Productions is my company that I started after publishing my poetry book, “My […]
Open Mic In Hazlet
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
So I cannot believe how much spoken word is in my other hometown of Hazlet. I really enjoyed myself last night. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go to the diner with everyone because my phone died. ::sadness:: However, the open mic was very good. Different styles, different approaches; I loved it all. It was my second time […]