Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category
The Beginning of SÃ.Nik Productions
Sunday, August 28th, 2011
Hola SÃ.Nik’ers, It is official… I have started writing the website for my company,SÃ.Nik Productions. Hurricane Irene inspired me to hit the pedal to the metal and get the word out. I plan on fixing the store and adding other artists. SÃ.Nik Productions is my company that I started after publishing my poetry book, “My […]
Open Mic In Hazlet
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
So I cannot believe how much spoken word is in my other hometown of Hazlet. I really enjoyed myself last night. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go to the diner with everyone because my phone died. ::sadness:: However, the open mic was very good. Different styles, different approaches; I loved it all. It was my second time […]
Dog Days of August
Monday, August 22nd, 2011
I had so much fun at HLS Restaurant last night. I love being around budding talent and passionate people. The Avengers are making waves. Despite the rain, we were able to inspire each other to keep writing. We had a newcomer to the stage last night to the HLS stage, Lizzie Martinez. Although she was […]
Busy-Bee August Me!
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
Hey Si.Nik family, So August is a busy month for me… *8/21 HLS, Montclair, NJ “Dog Days of August”* **8/22 Hazlet Library, Hazlet, NJ “Open Mic Night”* ***8/31 Joyce Kilmer Park, Bronx, NY “Back to School Fun”* As I try to inspire throughout these areas, send positive vibes and prayers my way. I hope to […]