Archive for the ‘TO’ Category
Words: Hip-Hop & Poetry
Sunday, August 19th, 2012
It’s a late Saturday night and I am at the Nuyorican finally after going up to go down on the NYC trains because of construction and track work. Here I am thinking I am late when they haven’t even started. It started an hour after the listed event time… I run into a Columbia classmate, […]
Replenishing Rain in the Park
Thursday, August 16th, 2012
So last night was “Azúcar @ Park 33 ” and the rain just kept on coming… it died down as we reached the venue…For some reason me and the weather have a love hate relationship. There is always something going on that thins the crowd… first it was snow when i had to reschedule my […]
Judging the Nuyorican Poets
Monday, August 6th, 2012
So Friday night i was fortunate enough to be a judge at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in preparing the 2012 slam team for competition in Charlotte today. I had soo much fun for an impromptu decision to trek all the way to E. 3rd across from “Brisas del caribe” garden. Mahogany Browne is a dope […]
Upcoming event! Azúcar at Park 33
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Where: Park 33, 618 Park Ave, Freehold, NJ When: Aug 15th, 7pm Why: Hear Spoken Word; Purchase “My Journey through Poetry: a teenage catharsis” ; To hear new poems that will be in Simone Nikkole’s upcoming book, “T.O. Love, Azucar”; Eat good food ; Dance Who should attend: Everyone who likes art or poetry ; […]