Archive for the ‘SÃ.Nik Clients’ Category
Jazz and Poetry Night Affair
Thursday, October 6th, 2011
Last night, it was Mila’s Birthday and she planned a Jazz and Poetry night at Montclair State University with Alpha Kappa Psi. It was such a great event. Great talent of all kinds… I hope I can get some of these great artists for my showcase in a few weeks…. I loved performing and getting […]
The Beginning of SÃ.Nik Productions
Sunday, August 28th, 2011
Hola SÃ.Nik’ers, It is official… I have started writing the website for my company,SÃ.Nik Productions. Hurricane Irene inspired me to hit the pedal to the metal and get the word out. I plan on fixing the store and adding other artists. SÃ.Nik Productions is my company that I started after publishing my poetry book, “My […]