God is funny!
It seems as if every job I get I always run into passionate creative people. First it was Madonna at AINY and now it’s Dayanna and Candice at EGSCF. It’s comforting to know that there are still creative hearts in Psychology.
I am super stoked that Dayanna and Candice want to work with me on their projects. I can envision an awesome inspiring future for myself and these ladies. We touch lives and we make a difference because our hearts are in the right place.
This makes me think that God is trying to tell me that I need to be a Poetess as my full time career and stop messing around in Psychology. I can’t help that I love both directions of my life and how they constantly intertwine. Maybe He is just forshadowing the future where poetry is all I do.
What do you think?
Let all that you do be done in love – 1 Cor. 16:14
Poetically Blessed,
Simone Nikkole