HK Lounge

So last night I went to the Toasting Party for Rahfael Gordon, Social Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker. It was a very nice spot. I was inspired by his drive and dedication for what his life’s work is. I mean he’s on book 7!?!? Here I am with book 1. I’m gonna catch up Mr. Gordon.

I also met Great Scott! He’s doing big things to with his concierge business. Talked to him last night and found out he is into poetry too… hopefully soon we can connect again and get his take on things and advice for this grueling business.

I interviewed with A Nu Day Media. Very nice group of guys. Definitely keeping in touch with them and looking forward to the Showcase. They were very helpful and had some great questions! keep up the good work fellas~ Stevie, Lydell and Isam!

Excited about the Pot of Gold at the end of my rainbow,
S. Nikkole <3

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 at 1:41 pm and is filed under Inspiration, my journey through poetry, Poetry, Spoken Word. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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