Pinot Grigio & Poetry Slam
So last night, i hit up a new spot, bar 13, to see if i could read and expand my reach with Louder Arts. By the time i got up to the table to sign, all spots were filled in both open mic and slam… i was mad! I was tight… so to make sure my money wasn’t wasted i immediately asked if I could judge.
So they gave me the judging book…in hindsight i was happy that i judged this group because judging allows me to soak in the syllables and ride the rhythm and see their stories in virtual print (no one should steal that sentiment… it is already in a poem as we speak).
Although they gave us a sacrificial poet i practiced by judging, by notebook, the open mic that was held before the slam.
Everybody was dope! There was no one i hated the entire night. Yes i may have not have felt some poems as hard as others but by no means did i hate any of them (unlike most of the hip hop on Saturday)! I took notes from everyone… and i mean everyone who embraced the spotlight and blessed the mic (again in a poem already)
Although i loved absolutely everyone, i have to give a shout out to Storm. He really helped me pen some things that needed to make the page bleed instead of me (already in a poem again) . After hearing him, i thought that if he could bear his soul stripped and naked, i can do the same (in a poem). CONGRATS ON WINNING!
I also want to shout out Mariel Pauline for rocking the slam… Yes i took notes when you performed too… i loved your piece. Welcome to the SÃ. Nik Family !
applauding the poetry all the way to my pen (in a poem once again) ,
Simone Nikkole pka Azúcar