RahGor’s Celebrity Mixxer

I had so much fun last night at the kick off celebration for Rahfeal Gordon‘s Birthday! I met some interesting people and I am glad that some of them are coming to the Jan 30th book signing! I was happy to reconnect with Great Scott and Isam from A Nu Day Media. See you at the book signing tomorrow!
I was so excited to meet Schivane, poet known as “Chosen Miss” and hear about her book. I hope that we can collaborate in the near future. I also met Jahlisa Norton, who is a big triple threat (actress, singer and dancer). I hope both of them can join me at my official book launch in March and perform their work! Rahfeal of course, was very hospitable and inspiring. I brought my friend, Rubab, would is a fellow poet and a darn good one too so that she can connect with people and I totally enjoyed the conversation we had. I see big things in the future for us and I hope that Rahfeal can be a part of it.

Happy Birthday Rahfeal. Feliz cumpleanos Senor!

It’s all love!
Simone Nikkole

This entry was posted on Friday, January 21st, 2011 at 11:38 am and is filed under Inspiration, my journey through poetry, Poetry. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “RahGor’s Celebrity Mixxer”

  1. Tweets that mention sí.nik productions » Blog Archive » RahGor’s Celebrity Mixxer -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rahfeal Gordon, Simone Nikkole. Simone Nikkole said: New blog post! http://www.simonenikkole.com/?p=663 @RahGor @GreatScottinc @ANuDayMedia #gottaloveit #lml […]

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